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Iceland resumes commercial whaling

"Iceland has decided to defy world opinion, granting a license to kill 30
minke and 9 endangered fin whales: the first commercial whale hunt the
country has undertaken since the 1980s. Three years ago, we successfully
battled back an attempt by Iceland's Fisheries Ministry to set a quota of
500 whales. We did it by showing Iceland that whales are worth more alive
than dead: tens of thousands of us took the Iceland Whale Pledge -- a
promise to visit Iceland if, and only if, the whaling ends. To date, nearly
90,000 people have taken the pledge. That represents a potential income to
Iceland of more than 100 million US Dollars (80 million Euros), against a
whaling industry that is today effectively worthless, and which even at its
peak made only 4 million dollars per year. We've seen 20,000 new pledges in
the last few days as news of the hunt has spread: we need to show the
Icelandic government just how much we value keeping whales alive.

Your travel plans could save a whale.
Take the Iceland Whales Pledge:
Already pledged? Send a message to Icelandic officials:
Send a video e-card to a friend and ask them to take the pledge:"

(Greenpeace Activists Newsletter 26.10.06)

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