Open Area - der Bereich, der die Internetpräsenz der Denker auch zu einer Art Open Newspaper macht

Aktionen gegen McDonald´s und nukleare Bedrohung

"McAmazon: Every time you take a bite out of a McDonald's chicken McNugget, you could be taking a bite out of the Amazon rainforest. The Amazon rainforest faces many threats -- loggers and cattle ranchers among them. Now, massive soya farms are doing the damage. Rainforests which were teeming with life are cleared to grow soya. This feeds animals in Europe that end up in fast food outlets and supermarkets.It took our activists a year to track the 7,000 km (4,200 mile) journey of soya beans grown in the Amazon to fast food outlets. We used satellite images, aerial surveillance, previously unreleased government documents and on-the-ground monitoring. Now we're exposing the global trade in soya from rainforest destruction in the Amazon to McDonald's fast food outlets and supermarkets across Europe.If McDonald's trashing the Amazon super-sizes your anger, then take action now to get McDonald's to take the Amazon off the menu [
Chernobyl: Annya is a 15 year-old cancer victim. It was 20 years ago this month that a nuclear reactor in the Ukraine melted down spewing deadly radiation over her hometown. A cancerous brain tumour at the age of four marked the end of Annya's childhood and the beginning of a life of pain and illness. Annya, is now bed-ridden, and has spent her life in and out of hospital, between tumours and life support. Over 7000 people have joined our anniversary call for an end to nuclear power. Please add your voice: no more Chernobyls" (Greenpeace Cyberactivist News)

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