Filmtipp: Clerks 2

Herkunft: USA 2006
Regie: Kevin Smith
Auszeichnungen: siehe bzw.

Gesamtbewertung: **
Unterhaltungswert: ***
Aussagekraft: **

Auch die über zehn Jahre später entstandene und mit den gleichen Hauptdarstellern besetzte Fortsetzung des kultigen Films Clerks ist sehr nett und witzig. Eine Würdigung von Werten abseits konventionellen Erfolgs und von unkonventionellen Existenzen. Trailer

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Kommentar von Anonymous Rotkraut dazu:

If Clerks II bills itself as, one more time, a movie about the slacker, for the slacker and by the slacker, then it would be foolish to say that it succeeded in its aims. It may well be a movie without aims, less of a ´project´ and more of a romp. And it isn´t short on the happy-go-lucky, either. Generous song-and-dance montages leave us wondering if we´re meant to laugh at film conventions or if we might just giggle along with Smith´s familiar, ever-mugging ensemble, irony-free. (Mostly, though, we´re just laughing.) This is full-color Kevin Smith, nobody left out of the frame, a kind of class photo taken just after everyone's untucked their shirts and fished out their after-school joints. The usual crowd knocks along, beginning to notice their age, wondering if there's something more beyond the state line. Not to worry, the myth of success is quickly dissolved. Sometimes our heroes veer a bit close to moralizing, but it's hard to take offense at anyone who can wear a fast-food uniform with such panache. Anyway, the fresh mores of the Smith's Garden State (friendship, honest living and traveling bestiality acts) build up a neat finish to what began all those years ago -- the slacker's doin' just fine, thanks. And now he runs the place.

28/9/06 21:12  
Kommentar von Anonymous ob dazu:

Thank you Rotkraut: you animated me to finally look up the word "slacker" in an online dictionary and I like the translations to German (FaulenzerIn, Drückeberger, Nichtstuer) very much! (Especially as under many circumstances existing it would be good if there were more slackers...) And regarding the rest of your review: you can go on adding your film critics, no problem! :)

28/9/06 21:44